4 plate original hand painted etching
31 1/2" X 45 1/2"
Sandhill Cranes are one of the tallest birds found in North America with a wingspan close to 6 feet. They can be found in prairies, wetlands, and open fields across the country. Their loud lively bugle calls can be heard for over a mile when announcing their presence in a V-shape flight pattern. Mating for life, these bonded pairs make an impressive couple!

4 plate original hand painted etching
44" X 30"
$4,080.00 SOLD OUT
I wanted to show a life size female roseate spoonbill flying majestically over the water's edge in her exquisite breeding plumage. Tampa Bay has the largest nesting population of Spoonbills in the country, so I am fortunate to see them frequently.
Each etching is meticulously hand-painted with transparent watercolors giving it exceptional color similar to the actual bird.

5 plate original hand painted etching
27" X 21"
These gentle birds are found in shallow wet land areas where their primary source of crustaceans and invertebrates can be located. Generally, they are black and white, but achieve the rust color on their necks during nesting season. It was created on 5 copper plates which imbues it with a rich color pallet. After printing each etching is meticulously hand-colored with transparent watercolors

5 plate original hand painted etching
27" X 21"
This life size 5 plate etching of the delicate Black-necked Stilt took many months for me to create. I wanted the blacks to really stand out and come forward to the viewer. This lovely Stilt is easily spotted because of its extremely long pink legs and needle like bill. It can be seen in fresh/salt water shallow areas looking for prey. It is meticulously hand painted with watercolors.

4 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 36"
The delicate and animated Snowy Egret is always a pleasure to watch. They are sometimes called "Golden Slippers" because of their striking bright yellow feet. When surprised, their crest rises like a puff of smoke. This 4-plate hand-colored etching uses no white pigment, infusing the piece with brilliant whites achieved from the rag paper. This life size rendition highlights any room.

4 plate original hand painted etching
30" X 44"
The Great Blue Heron that you see here is one of my largest etchings I have ever made; like the Roseate Spoonbill. It is one of the most common herons in the U.S., located in every state. You notice how the bird is confronting the viewer, an in-your-face pose. These striking birds stand nearly 54” high with a 6’ wingspan. A 3 plate hand-colored etching with an attitude.

5 plate original hand painted etching
30" X18"
This is a life size Greater Roadrunner, an amazing bird that can be found in the southwestern hot regions of the U.S., including Mexico. To watch these birds speed through the landscape is as entertaining as watching the roadrunner cartoons that many of us grew up with. Because it is such an iconic image in many childhoods, I included a Coyote to oversee the action. A five plate hand-colored etching.

4 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 35"
Now considered to be extinct; the Ivory Billed Woodpecker was once the largest woodpecker in North America (second largest in the world). Several years ago, there were rumors of a sighting in Arkansas but nothing was confirmed. I had always wanted to do an etching of this bird, so I made a trip to the Field Museum in Chicago where I was actually able to study several (deceased) specimens. A stunning 3 plate hand-colored etching.

5 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 36"
Though they might seem bored or lethargic during the day; just wait until when the sun goes down to see these nocturnal birds become very active! The most common heron in the world. They are noted for their striking red eyes, stark black head plumage and beautiful long white head feathers. A complex 5 plate hand-painted etching presents this heron life size.

4 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 36"
The magnificent Swallow-tailed Kite is a visitor from South America to Florida and other southern US states from March to August each year. Their journey back and forth from South America is a long one; 10,000 miles! The shape of their wings and feathers allow them to make very sharp turns in flight. This beautiful glider is depicted life size using 4 copper plates. It is also meticulously hand painted with watercolors.

5 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 34"
The Tri-colored Heron is sometimes referred to as the "Lady of the Water" because of its beautiful color and the way it moves delicately through the water foraging for food. Once known as the Louisiana Heron, this bird is commonly found in swampy wetland habitat in the southern U.S. This subject is depicted life size in a large, 3 plate color etching.

5 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 34"
This magnificent raptor has a very healthy population in Florida and in many parts of the United States. The most vocal hawk in North America, it is usually the one heard in the local neighborhood. I wanted to show it in flight so that the viewer could see the amazing feather patterns and colors. This male is depicted life size. This etching required five plates to produce 17 different colors of ink, in addition to hand-coloring.

5 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 36"
Snail Kites are a member of the raptor family and can be found in Florida (primarily in the Everglades region) and South America at shallow wet land environments foraging for apple snails. They are the most specialized bird of prey in the world due to the unique physical features to consume snails. This spectacular male is depicted life size using 5 copper plates and meticulous hand painting with watercolors.

3 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 36"
The elegant Great Egret is the most common egrets in the U.S. During breeding season, it grows long feathery plumes called aigrettes to attract a mate. In the late 19th and early 20th century they were used as decoration for ladies’ garments which almost led to their extinction. Early conservation programs saved this species. This graceful bird is depicted life size using 3 copper plates and is hand painted with watercolors.

5 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 36"
You can usually see this bird with other members of the Ibis (White Ibis) family, but it will stick out of the crowd because of its dark feathers. If you catch this ibis in the right lighting, a portion of its feathers have an iridescent glow that is reminiscent of beautiful jewels! This etching uses 5 large copper plates to give the bird a rich deep tonal quality. It is life size and hand painted like all my etchings.

3 plate original hand painted etching
24" X 36"
This member of the Falcon family is what I would call an opportunist! It will occasionally steal food from other birds and hunt small animals while flying low to the ground taking them by surprise. They will fly near the highway and in fact; one briefly flew right beside my van on my way to Vero Beach last year. Their exotic coloration is quite a sight to behold with a rich black crest; blue beak and orange skin around their bill.