Single plate original hand painted etching
8" X 11"
The Roseate Spoonbill is frequently seen in Florida feeding in shallow water edges, especially in the Tampa Bay region where they have a large population. It is one of the few pink birds in North America. This etching is created using a single copper plate printed in black ink. All the colors you see are entirely painted by hand with transparent watercolors. It is also part of a larger etching, “Florida Bird Series III”.

Single plate original hand painted etching
8" X 11"
The Brown Pelican is commonly seen in Florida; especially near fishing boats and piers hoping for a handout. They have this large functional pouch under their beak that holds three gallons of water. This beautiful etching is created using a single copper plate hand-printed in black. All the color you see is entirely done by hand with watercolors. It is one of the pieces in the larger etching of four birds, “Florida Bird Series III.”

Single plate original hand painted etching
8" X 11"
The White Pelican is a migratory bird that visits Florida in the winter, some travel all the way from Canada. They tend to fly in groups making an almost squadron flight pattern in the sky that is exciting to see. This etching is created using a single copper plate. All the color you see is entirely done by hand with transparent watercolors. It is one of four birds in the larger etching, “Florida Bird Series III.”

Single plate original hand painted etching
8" X 11"
The Tri-colored Heron is a wading bird that is common in the southern states of the U.S. It can be found in marshy shallow water areas searching for food. The distinctive white chest and grey feathers is a diagnostic feature of this bird. This etching is created using a single copper plate. All the color you see is entirely done by hand with watercolors. It is one of the pieces in the larger etching of four; “Florida Bird Series”

Single plate original hand painted etching
5 3/4" x 3 1/2"
The female is a real trooper, after starting a family with the male, she feeds, raises, and takes care of the young while the male flies off for more adventure. She is about 15% larger than the male with distinguishing white edges on her tail feathers. This is a single plate etching hand-colored with transparent waters and iridescent paints.

Single plate original hand painted etching
5 3/4" x 3 1/2"
This small etching captures this hummingbird in flight where the light creates an iridescent shine on the red “gorget” (throat). In addition to eating small insects, their metabolism is so high they constantly need sugar for energy to survive. The etching depicts it life size and is totally hand-colored with transparent watercolors with hints of iridescence.

Single plate original hand painted etching
6 1/2" X 4 1/2"
This is a life size etching of a Painted Bunting, the most colorful songbird in North America. With the onset of climate change, their range is gradually modifying. The bird’s French name is “nonpareil”, which translates to “without equal”. The etching was created using one copper plate with under color and hand painted with transparent watercolors.

Single plate original hand painted etching
6 1/2" X 4 1/2"
Prothonotary warblers are rays of sunlight traveling through the swamps of the eastern half of the U.S. They get their name from bright yellow robes worn by functionaries in the Catholic church. One of the few warblers that nest in tree cavities, or even man-made nesting boxes. Depicted life size, a stunning single plate etching hand colored with transparent watercolors.

Single plate original hand painted etching
9" X 12"
This single plate etching of a male Cardinal depicts this fashionable songbird life size. One of the most popular songbirds in the U.S., it is designated as the state bird for seven states. The males have a striking red coloration and a dark black throat and mask. Easy to spot in a green bush or tree. It is entirely hand painted with transparent watercolors.

Single plate original hand painted etching
9" X 12"
be heard throughout the day and evening. Sometimes it is hard to believe that the number of songs vocalized are only coming from one bird! This lovely rendition of the Mockingbird is shown life size and is entirely hand painted with watercolors. It was created using one copper plate and two inks.

Single plate original hand painted etching
9" X 12"
Known for their cheerful song; the American Robin is a common visitor to a large portion of the U.S. They can be seen on residential lawns foraging for worms while also visiting remote forested areas. In general, they produce three broods each year with an average of one survivor the first year, a necessity to keep their population numbers stable. This is a single plate etching that is entirely hand painted. The subject is depicted life size.

Single plate original hand painted etching
9" X 12"
These birds have a sweet and beautiful song that resembles a high pitch flutelike whistle. While perched on a favorite spot in an open grassy field, they sing a tune that captures a moment of peacefulness and serenity. A popular bird, the Western Meadowlark is the state bird of six states. This is created on one plate printed with two colors, then hand-painted with watercolors.

Single plate original hand painted etching
4 1/2" X 6 1/2"
This stunning Black and White Warbler is a migratory bird that I am fortunate to see in Florida. It behaves very much like a woodpecker in the way they travel upside down on tree branches searching for prey. To physically assist in this behavior, they have an extra-long hind claw and heavier legs than other warblers. This warbler is depicted life size using one copper plate and is meticulously hand painted with watercolors.

Single plate original hand painted etching
4 1/2" x 6 1/2"
The Bay-breasted Warbler takes a flight path each year from the eastern half of North America to Cuba, the Caribbean, and South America. Their population is tied to its primary food source, the spruce budworm, and goes up and down with the insect population. This is a single plate etching hand-colored with transparent watercolors showing the bird life size.

Single plate original hand painted etching
4 1/2" x 6 1/2"
This elusive Swamp sparrow lives up to its name by living in wet land areas with dense vegetation. They have a rapid-fire repetitive call with a metallic tinge that is often heard before visually spotting them. Initially named “Georgiana” because it was discovered in Georgia in 1790, its current name is more appropriate. A single plate hand-colored etching, life size.

Single plate original hand painted etching
4 1/2" x 6 1/2"
Northern Parulas are smallish warblers that inhabit the upper canopies of trees in the eastern half of the U.S. Long distance migrants, they commute from N. America to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean in the winter. As with many songbirds, it is amazing that this small bird flies across the Gulf of Mexico two times every year. Life size, a single plate etching hand colored.

Single plate original hand painted etching
6 1/2" X 4 1/2"
The male Magnolia warbler sports a stunning black necklace with black stripes contrasted against the bright yellow throat and chest. A visual treat when seen in the tree canopies fluttering between branches in the pursuit of insects. This is a single plate etching emboldened with intense water-color to capture its true form when seen in the wild.

Single plate original hand painted etching
6 1/2" X 4 1/2"
The Palm warbler has a habit of pumping its tail which helps in identifying this species. One of the northern most warblers nest in Canada and travel south to the southern edge of the U.S. and beyond in the winter. They get their name from the location near palm trees when they were discovered in late 1700’s, but ironically, they are more likely found in boreal forests.

Single plate original hand painted etching
8" X 6"
This prevalent songbird is found in every state except Alaska and Hawaii. They are the only finch to molt its body feathers twice a year, a great way to keep up appearances. They are also strict vegetarians with a specialized diet consisting of seeds, one reason many are found at bird feeders. This life size Goldfinch was created with one copper plate hand-printed in two colors, then hand-painted.

Single plate original hand painted etching
8" X 6"
This is a life size male Painted Bunting, the most colorful songbird in North America. Being an attractive bird comes with a price, they were caught and sold to collectors in Europe since the early 19th century, and to this day conservation groups still must protect them. With climate change their range is gradually modifying. This etching is a single plate printed in two colors, then hand-painted with transparent watercolors.